Twitter is suddenly not what I thought it would become

My first thoughts of Twitter (and probably what it was meant to be) was that it was this useless community texting tool for people to think that their life was actually interesting to others.

With that definition in mind, I had no interest for it. I had no friends that tweeted and did not care about stranger's thoughts or actions.

But now, Twitter is transformed. It is actually a media outlet and a little more, I'll explain how. Sure there will continue to be these people who think someone else cares about them being in the toilet, but thankfully, you can easily ignore these people!

The reality is, with media moving so fast and information flowing at the speed of fiber optics, Twitter is now a connection to live events of interest. For me, the interest started with technology news and an easy way to filter articles that could be of interest to me without going to a million sites. Later, it became a source for rumors in the hockey world by following a few key people either by reference or by reputation (sports writers). Then, you realize that athletes you actually care about (it started with @MaxPacioretty67 and the savage attack he received from Zdeno Chara) are tweeting away and it's actually nice to hear from them directly and not from the twisted quotes that reporters shove in their mouths!

In today's age, and with my limited time, I don't always care about reading a 500 word article, but if a reporter is at a practice and something happened, a quick line keeps me in touch with current events. One thing that will remain true is that I don't care to make friends on Twitter and I will not follow just anyone. Nor will my life dream be to be followed by a gazillion people. I don't care if nobody follows me, I don't say much anyways!


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